Singing Guide: Terry Gilkyson

Singing Guide: Terry Gilkyson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Terry Gilkyson had a light and warm singing style that charmed many audiences during his career. He was a great musician who was able to play different instruments and combine different music genres. He was widely known for his hit songs like “The Bare Necessities” from Disney's “The Jungle Book”.

If you want to learn how to sing like Terry Gilkyson, you must start by analyzing your voice, determining your voice type, practicing breathing techniques and singing in a relaxed manner.

Before you can begin singing like Terry Gilkyson, you need to know your voice type, which can be determined through the vocal range test on Singing Carrots. Once you know your range, you can practice exercises like vocal warm-ups and pitch training to improve your voice.

One essential aspect of Gilkyson’s singing style is his unique breathy voice. Breathing exercises that are covered in this blog post like "Breathing Basics" and "Breath Support" can help you achieve Gilkyson’s breathy style.

Gilkyson had an impressive range, and he was able to transition seamlessly between his chest voice and falsetto, which can be challenging to accomplish. You can learn how to do this by practicing with chest voice and mixed voice guides included in videos in resources like “Chest Voice Explained,” “Singing Comfort Zone,” and “Voice Break.”

Gilkyson was a skilled guitarist and frequently incorporated that skill into his singing and music. Singing Carrots’ Songbook provides linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio. It will help you perfect your singing voice while playing the guitar.

Terry Gilkyson was always in tune and had perfect pitch, which he developed through daily practice. You can improve your pitch accuracy by trying out the pitch accuracy test on Singing Carrots(

Finally, you will need to choose songs that match both your vocal range and learning level. With Singing Carrots’ "Search songs," you can find songs that fit your taste and challenge you to improve your singing ability.

With the appropriate resources and consistent practice, not only can you sound like Terry Gilkyson, but you can also develop your own unique style and improve your craft.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.